Introducing yoga through Nirvaana Yoga Academy - A Premier Yoga Training Center

A Registered Yoga School affiliated by Yoga Alliance International & World Yoga Organisation, offering best yoga certification programs and yoga teacher training.

Connect with the best certified Yoga and Meditation Instructors

Choose the program as per your need and what defines your goals.

Therapeutic personalised yoga that fits your schedule

Put aside a specific time in your day to enjoy your Yoga practice with an asana sequence specific to each individual. As a yoga training center offering personalized sessions, our schedule is in your hands. But as therapeutic certified trainers let me remind you of a few things that you should take care of before you book your schedule.

  • Practise in the morning – if you want to prepare your mind and body for the day and charge your body with positive energy. Perfect for yoga for stress relief and yoga for weight loss.
  • Practise in the evening – If you want to relax after a stressful day, unwind and rejuvenate. In the evening you will be more flexible, so you will be able to go deeper into practise.
  • Practise yoga on an empty stomach or 1/2 hour after a snack and 1-2 hours after a heavy meal before you begin the practice.

Nirvaana Yoga Acdemy regular yoga sessions programs include

Various Asanas designed specifically for each practitioner
Touch your Soul and have a bliss with Transcendental Meditation
Pranayama to rejuvenate you

Nirvaana Yoga Academy

A Registered Yoga School affiliated by World Yoga Federation & international Yoga Alliance

Crow Pose (Kakasana)
Bhuvaneswari – Trainer @ our offline
Yoga Studio

Practitioner in their customised Yoga poses
Practitioner in their customised Yoga poses

Our Awesome Team

Know our yoga trainers

Jimsha Malayil
Jimsha Malayil

Founder: Habit Academy

Dr. Yamini Rani

Founder: Nirvaana Yoga Academy

Co-founder: Habit Academy

Rashmi Jayesh
Rashmi Jayesh

Co-founder: Habit Academy

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MOTIVATION is what gets you started.
HABIT is what keeps you going.

Start where you are, Use what you have, Do what you can… Taj Mahal is also built brick by brick…… So are you….